Confident woman

How Highly Sensitive Ambitious Women Can Let Go of Control and Lead with Confidence and Ease

August 15, 20247 min read

Control issues can be a significant hurdle in our emotional lives, especially for a highly sensitive person. At their core, these issues often stem from a deep-seated feeling of anxiety or fear of losing control, whether it's over our emotions, our environment, or even the people around us. For highly sensitive people, this feeling can be heightened due to their natural sensitivity to external stimuli. This fear can manifest in various ways—perhaps you find yourself trying to manage every detail in your life or experiencing stress in situations where things don't go according to plan. The good news is that with some inner work and a shift in perspective, it's possible to transform these control issues into a more empowered, graceful way of living.

Understanding the Roots of Control for a Highly Sensitive Person

For many people, especially those with high sensitivity, control is often a defense mechanism. When our emotional well-being is threatened, our instinct might be to assert control over a situation or to micromanage our surroundings to feel safe. This behavior might provide temporary relief, but it also leads to tension, conflict, and often, a deep sense of dissatisfaction. For a highly sensitive person, this can be particularly intense. The energy expended in trying to control external factors, people, or events can leave us feeling drained.

Highly sensitive people are naturally empathetic, and that empathy can sometimes lead to overextending themselves emotionally, trying to keep things under control to maintain peace. This is where coaching can be extremely helpful in guiding you through the root causes of this need for control. By addressing underlying fears or past trauma, a person can release their need for control and operate from a place of confidence and inner peace.

The Impact of Control on Relationships and Emotional Health

For a highly sensitive person, the need for control can have a profound impact on relationships. Often, those with high sensitivity may suppress their emotions to avoid confrontation or attempt to manage others' behavior to maintain a sense of calm. This can lead to strained relationships where true connection and trust are hard to cultivate. The constant stress of trying to control situations can further exacerbate anxiety, creating a cycle of overwhelm.

But here’s the truth: controlling others or micromanaging every situation is not only exhausting but also futile. This realization is crucial for those who identify as highly sensitive people because learning to let go allows for more energy to be directed toward creating healthy boundaries and developing strong, empathetic relationships. Coaching often helps in understanding how to balance this sensitivity without the need for control. The energy spent in trying to keep everything in check can instead be directed toward more positive endeavors, ultimately reducing stress and improving emotional health.

My Personal Experience as a Highly Sensitive Person

I’ve walked this path myself. As a highly sensitive person, I often felt responsible for everything and everyone in my work environment. With a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed, I often tried to do everything myself, rarely relying on others. This behavior stemmed from a fear of failure and a desire to prove myself in a competitive environment. It wasn’t just about getting things done; it was about making sure everything was perfect, and that meant being everywhere and knowing everything.

Why did this happen? My need for control was driven by a deep-seated insecurity and a fear of being seen as inadequate. I believed that by controlling every aspect of the work, I could guarantee success. But in reality, this mindset led to burnout and strained relationships. I was constantly overwhelmed by stress, and despite my efforts, I was left feeling depleted.

Moving from Control to Authority and Confidence

The turning point came when I realized that control was not the same as confidence. True leadership wasn’t about micromanaging every detail, but about trusting myself and others. As a highly sensitive person, I learned to channel my sensitivity into emotional intelligence rather than trying to control outcomes. I began to delegate more responsibilities, trust my team, and encourage open communication. This shift allowed me to step into a leadership role with more confidence, knowing that I didn’t need to manage every detail to ensure success.

This journey from control to confidence can be challenging for a highly sensitive person, but the transformation is worth it. By letting go of control, I tapped into an energy of trust and empowerment. This shift not only benefitted my work but also improved my emotional well-being, reducing the stress I once carried.

Emotional Courage and Empathy: The True Strength of Sensitivity

As I continued to release my need for control, I discovered that my sensitivity was not a weakness, but a strength. Highly sensitive people possess a natural sense of empathy that allows them to connect deeply with others. This empathy is a form of emotional valor—the courage to remain open, even when situations become intense or uncomfortable. This type of courage isn’t about being fearless in the face of challenges; it’s about trusting yourself to remain calm and composed, even when emotions run high.

With this newfound sense of valor, I realized that leadership didn’t require controlling others but required emotional bravery. Highly sensitive people, with their deep feelings and empathy, can become powerful leaders by harnessing their emotional strength rather than trying to suppress or control it. Imagine being the person who, in the midst of chaos, can offer a calm, steady presence. This kind of emotional valor is a gift not only to yourself but to everyone you interact with.  Coaching helped me identify and manage these feelings, allowing me to step into my power.

Gaining a Visionary Perspective

Another critical aspect of overcoming control issues for a highly sensitive person is developing a visionary perspective. This allows you to step back from the details and see the bigger picture without being overwhelmed by every little thing. Learning to balance your natural sensitivity with confidence is key. When you can step back and view things from a higher vantage point, it becomes easier to understand the dynamics at play without being overwhelmed by them.

However, it's essential to balance this perspective with compassion and empathy. It's one thing to see the situation clearly, but it's equally important to stay connected to your heart and the emotions of those involved. By blending wisdom with kindness, you can guide yourself and others through emotional challenges with both insight and sensitivity.

In highly sensitive people, it’s easy to get bogged down in feelings and lose sight of the bigger picture. However, by cultivating a broader perspective and trusting in your inner energy to handle challenges, you can develop a more empowered leadership style. Coaching and personal development work can be instrumental in helping a highly sensitive person develop this balance between empathy and visionary thinking.

Finding Balance and Harmony as a Highly Sensitive Person

My transformation had a profound impact on my career and my team. By shifting from a place of control to one of confidence and emotional balance, I became a more effective leader. The work environment became more positive and collaborative, and the team’s performance improved. I felt more fulfilled and at peace, having moved from a place of fear and control to one of empowerment and valor. The key was understanding my own sensitivity and using it as a strength rather than seeing it as something that needed to be managed.

Overcoming control issues is ultimately about finding balance—between authority and humility, between courage and compassion, and between seeing the bigger picture and staying grounded in the present moment. It's a journey that requires patience and self-awareness, but the rewards are profound.

As you learn to release the need to control, you'll discover a more authentic, empowered version of yourself. You'll be able to lead with grace, connect with others more deeply, and navigate the ups and downs of life with a sense of calm confidence. This transformation not only enhances your own well-being but also has a ripple effect, bringing more harmony and understanding into your relationships.

If you’re a highly sensitive person struggling with control issues, know that you can find a path to greater emotional freedom and confidence. Coaching, self-reflection, and learning to embrace your natural sensitivity can all lead you to a place of balance and empowerment. The journey to emotional mastery is a process, but each step you take will bring you closer to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

By embracing your inner strengths and letting go of the need for control, you’ll find a more empowered version of yourself, ready to lead with confidence and empathy.

For more insights and guidance on personal growth, visit our website. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Overcoming control issuesControl issues in leadershipLetting go of controlEmotional intelligence in leadershipEmpowered leadershipLeadership transformationTrusting your teamDelegation in leadershipLeadership and controlEmotional maturity in leadersLeadership and trustInner strength in leadershipcoachinghighly sensitive personstresssensitivityfeelingempathyanxietyconfidenceenergy
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Sharon Seaberg

Sharon is a mentor for self-actualizing women. She leads smart successful women to a deeper understanding of themselves. To create a life plan that inspires them. Breakthrough on what is holding them back. And live a life that lights up their mind, body, and soul. She spent three decades in the corporate world in the fast-paced, high-stress, high-tech industry before walking away from exhaustion and becoming a life coach. She is a wife and mom of 2 amazing girls. Today, Sharon is the founder and CEO of A New Way of Being You. Her passion is to empower women to be authentic leaders; to stop wearing ‘busyness’ as a badge of honor; to learn how to have unshakable confidence and use conscious communication when faced with difficult people, and to feel more alive every day.

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