Trusting Your Intuition: The Power of Embracing What Feels Right

Trusting Your Intuition: The Power of Embracing What Feels Right

Have you ever been in a situation where the data points one way, but something deep down nudges you in another? That gentle whisper, that gut feeling, that's your intuition speaking. 🍃 In a world dr... ...more


October 09, 20232 min read

Cultivating Compassion in our Humanity

Cultivating Compassion in our Humanity

Compassion is seeing the shared humanity in the other person while knowing that you are made of the same stardust and life force. ...more


June 19, 20232 min read

Unlocking True Happiness: Embracing Joy and Raising Your Vibration

Unlocking True Happiness: Embracing Joy and Raising Your Vibration

It is a way of being. A habit. We all have habitual ways of being. We developed them over time. It is the way that you feel most comfortable. Ask yourself what... ...more


June 19, 20232 min read

Discover How to Embrace Mistakes and Unleash Your Inner Sexy

Discover How to Embrace Mistakes and Unleash Your Inner Sexy

Whenever you make a mistake, instead of beating yourself up about it, upgrade your software with new thoughts. Say to yourself... ...more


June 19, 20232 min read

Unleashing the Power of Love: A New Perspective on Conflict Resolution

Unleashing the Power of Love: A New Perspective on Conflict Resolution

Love works like magic. It literally can change any situation. Do you believe me? I dare you to try it. How do I know this is true? Read on. ...more


June 17, 20232 min read

Strategies for Navigating Complex Interactions at Work: Dealing with Difficult People

Strategies for Navigating Complex Interactions at Work: Dealing with Difficult People

Ever wonder why it is so tough to deal with your difficult person or demanding boss? You are not alone. Most people feel this way. Here is why. ...more


June 17, 20232 min read

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